OMEGA: Wait! Come back! I have even faster-growing functions to show you! And I’ll take even smaller slices off the probability each time! Come back!
HUMAN: Ahem… If you answer some questions first...
OMEGA: Let’s try
HUMAN: Is it really true that the my experience on this universe can be described by a von Neumann machine with some fixed program of n bytes + m bytes of RAM, for some finite values of n and m?
OMEGA: Uh-huh (If omega answers no, then he becomes inconsistent with his previous statement that lifetime and computational resources are equivalent)
HUMAN: Could you tell me (n,m) with a minimum n?
OMEGA: Here it is: (Gives two numbers)
HUMAN: Now, by Occam’s razor, I will assume that this universe is my reality.
Does this Universe includes you or are we now outside the scope of this universe?
[Interpretation 1: Universe includes Omega + conversation]
HUMAN: It seems that we have a bargaining ground. We have a finite explanation of the Universe including you. Now the question is only: how do we subdivide it among us. Now, would you please show your even faster growing functions?
[Interpretation 2: Omega is outside the universe]
HUMAN: Is there some other finite universe that includes you + this whole conversation as well?
[If the answer is true, go to Interpretation 1 with that universe]
[Interpretation 3: Conversation is outside the scope of any possible finite universes]
HUMAN: Hmmm… We are outside the universe now? What is the semantics of conversing with me here? What would happen if you’d give me those resources anyways? All my subjective experiences are tied to this puny little universe. What is the meaning of me leaving that universe and dieing outside of it or accepting and refusing any kind of offers? I have trouble making a mental model of this situation.
OMEGA: Wait! Come back! I have even faster-growing functions to show you! And I’ll take even smaller slices off the probability each time! Come back!
HUMAN: Ahem… If you answer some questions first...
OMEGA: Let’s try
HUMAN: Is it really true that the my experience on this universe can be described by a von Neumann machine with some fixed program of n bytes + m bytes of RAM, for some finite values of n and m?
OMEGA: Uh-huh (If omega answers no, then he becomes inconsistent with his previous statement that lifetime and computational resources are equivalent)
HUMAN: Could you tell me (n,m) with a minimum n?
OMEGA: Here it is: (Gives two numbers)
HUMAN: Now, by Occam’s razor, I will assume that this universe is my reality. Does this Universe includes you or are we now outside the scope of this universe?
[Interpretation 1: Universe includes Omega + conversation]
HUMAN: It seems that we have a bargaining ground. We have a finite explanation of the Universe including you. Now the question is only: how do we subdivide it among us. Now, would you please show your even faster growing functions?
[Interpretation 2: Omega is outside the universe]
HUMAN: Is there some other finite universe that includes you + this whole conversation as well?
[If the answer is true, go to Interpretation 1 with that universe]
[Interpretation 3: Conversation is outside the scope of any possible finite universes]
HUMAN: Hmmm… We are outside the universe now? What is the semantics of conversing with me here? What would happen if you’d give me those resources anyways? All my subjective experiences are tied to this puny little universe. What is the meaning of me leaving that universe and dieing outside of it or accepting and refusing any kind of offers? I have trouble making a mental model of this situation.