Promoted to curated for:
Covering an important topic that seems quite core to theoretical rationality with rigor
Seriously attempting to become a standard reference work
Integrating and linking to the existing literature on a topic
General high level of clarity and approachability
Biggest hesitations about curating:
Quite long, so the cost for others to read through all of this is high
Maybe slightly too basic for a lot of people on the site? Quite unsure about that.
Overall, I am very happy about this post being written, and would love to see more content like this on the site.
Promoted to curated for:
Covering an important topic that seems quite core to theoretical rationality with rigor
Seriously attempting to become a standard reference work
Integrating and linking to the existing literature on a topic
General high level of clarity and approachability
Biggest hesitations about curating:
Quite long, so the cost for others to read through all of this is high
Maybe slightly too basic for a lot of people on the site? Quite unsure about that.
Overall, I am very happy about this post being written, and would love to see more content like this on the site.