Hashing out my incomplete understanding of Simulacra. :
Level 0 - Reality, let’s call this R.
Level 1 - Agents map/point out reality to each other. For simplicity let’s say there are two agents, A1 and A2. A1->R , A2->R. A1 and A2 can attempt to come to consensus on reality. Value is assigned to Truth, Power is over Reality.
Level 2 - Recursion. Agents can point out agents pointing out reality to each other, thereby potentially distorting reality. Agents realize they can “point pointing”, and influence each other thus. Let R’ be a incorrect reality. The following all belong as this level : A1->(A1->R) , A1->(A1->R’), A1->(A2->R), A1->(A2->R’). Note : A2->R might be distorted as well if that never happened in the first place! Value is assigned to Perception, Power is over Agents.
Level 3 - Emergence and clinging to reality. Realizing that all agents can distort the perceived realities of other agents, agents start pointing to “shadows” of reality. This is level 2 recursed on itself, NOT another level-1 recursion on level 2. (level-2-squared instead of level-2-plus-1, in terms of recursions). Level 2 folding on itself. Agents point at things that seem (at lower levels) to concern agents and reality, but those agents are trying to convey information that is independent of those agents and reality. Thus, the agents and their pointing at reality are necessary but NOT sufficient to convey the desired information. The desired information emerges implicitly out of the distorted realities that hang around level 2. For example, we can let D1 = A1->(A2->R’), a where A1 points that A2 points at an incorrect reality. Then a level 3 example of an agent pointing is A1->(A1->D1), A1 is signaling (outer pointing) by talking (inner pointing) about D1. Value is assigned to Knowledge (understanding the meaning of these “shadows” of reality, which is distinct from Truth!), Power is over Groups of Agents.
Level 4 - Dissipation and Void. Agents realize that all agents are pointing at shadows of reality instead of at reality itself, thus the shadows lose their capability to convey the implicit information of level 3. Agents and their pointing at reality are not necessary to convey information, because no meaningful information can be conveyed. Nothing can be Valued, and no Power can be gained over other entities or realities. This is a new and separate “Reality” Level 0.
Hashing out my incomplete understanding of Simulacra. :
Level 0 - Reality, let’s call this R.
Level 1 - Agents map/point out reality to each other. For simplicity let’s say there are two agents, A1 and A2. A1->R , A2->R. A1 and A2 can attempt to come to consensus on reality. Value is assigned to Truth, Power is over Reality.
Level 2 - Recursion. Agents can point out agents pointing out reality to each other, thereby potentially distorting reality. Agents realize they can “point pointing”, and influence each other thus. Let R’ be a incorrect reality. The following all belong as this level : A1->(A1->R) , A1->(A1->R’), A1->(A2->R), A1->(A2->R’). Note : A2->R might be distorted as well if that never happened in the first place! Value is assigned to Perception, Power is over Agents.
Level 3 - Emergence and clinging to reality. Realizing that all agents can distort the perceived realities of other agents, agents start pointing to “shadows” of reality. This is level 2 recursed on itself, NOT another level-1 recursion on level 2. (level-2-squared instead of level-2-plus-1, in terms of recursions). Level 2 folding on itself. Agents point at things that seem (at lower levels) to concern agents and reality, but those agents are trying to convey information that is independent of those agents and reality. Thus, the agents and their pointing at reality are necessary but NOT sufficient to convey the desired information. The desired information emerges implicitly out of the distorted realities that hang around level 2. For example, we can let D1 = A1->(A2->R’), a where A1 points that A2 points at an incorrect reality. Then a level 3 example of an agent pointing is A1->(A1->D1), A1 is signaling (outer pointing) by talking (inner pointing) about D1. Value is assigned to Knowledge (understanding the meaning of these “shadows” of reality, which is distinct from Truth!), Power is over Groups of Agents.
Level 4 - Dissipation and Void. Agents realize that all agents are pointing at shadows of reality instead of at reality itself, thus the shadows lose their capability to convey the implicit information of level 3. Agents and their pointing at reality are not necessary to convey information, because no meaningful information can be conveyed. Nothing can be Valued, and no Power can be gained over other entities or realities. This is a new and separate “Reality” Level 0.