Does anyone know of a compelling fictional narrative motivating the CHSH inequality or another quantum game?
I’m looking for something like:
Earth’s waging a two-front war on opposite ends of the galaxy. The aliens will attack each front with either Star Destroyers or Nebula Cleanser, randomly and independently. The generals of the eastern and western fronts must coordinate their defense plans, or humanity will fall.
There are two battle plans: Alpha and Bravo. If the aliens at either front attack with Star Destroyers, generals must both choose the same battle plan. If, however, both fronts are attacked with Nebula Cleansers, the generals must choose opposite battle plans.
The emergency battle plans from Earth have been sent at 99% of the speed of light in opposite directions to the two fronts, hundreds of light years away. The plans will arrive with mere days to spare—there will no time for the generals to coordinate with each other. If the two fronts battle plans are classical, what are the best odds of the generals coordinating and saving Earth? What if the plans contain quantumly entangled particles?
Does anyone know of a compelling fictional narrative motivating the CHSH inequality or another quantum game?
I’m looking for something like:
Earth’s waging a two-front war on opposite ends of the galaxy. The aliens will attack each front with either Star Destroyers or Nebula Cleanser, randomly and independently. The generals of the eastern and western fronts must coordinate their defense plans, or humanity will fall.
There are two battle plans: Alpha and Bravo. If the aliens at either front attack with Star Destroyers, generals must both choose the same battle plan. If, however, both fronts are attacked with Nebula Cleansers, the generals must choose opposite battle plans.
The emergency battle plans from Earth have been sent at 99% of the speed of light in opposite directions to the two fronts, hundreds of light years away. The plans will arrive with mere days to spare—there will no time for the generals to coordinate with each other. If the two fronts battle plans are classical, what are the best odds of the generals coordinating and saving Earth? What if the plans contain quantumly entangled particles?
(only, hopefully, with deeper characters, etc.)