I dunno—but if you mean “the unexamined remnants of former religiosity” on a societal level¹ rather than on an individual level, then I guess that’s the main reason for the overwhelming majority of such people to hold such opinions. There might also be a few people who know that monogamy can curb the spread of STDs and lack a clear distinction between terminal and instrumental values, and/or (possibly incorrectly²) believe that monogamy is “natural” (i.e. it was the norm in the EEA) and commit the naturalistic fallacy, though.
i.e., a society used to have a memeplex, originating from religion, which included the idea that “one can only (romantically) love one person at a time”; that society has since shed most of that memeplex, but not that particular idea, which is still part of the intersubjective truth—even among individuals who were never religious in the first place.
“Possibly” meaning that I don’t know myself, because I haven’t looked into that yet—not that I’ve seen all the available evidence and concluded it doesn’t definitely point one way or another.
I dunno—but if you mean “the unexamined remnants of former religiosity” on a societal level¹ rather than on an individual level, then I guess that’s the main reason for the overwhelming majority of such people to hold such opinions. There might also be a few people who know that monogamy can curb the spread of STDs and lack a clear distinction between terminal and instrumental values, and/or (possibly incorrectly²) believe that monogamy is “natural” (i.e. it was the norm in the EEA) and commit the naturalistic fallacy, though.
i.e., a society used to have a memeplex, originating from religion, which included the idea that “one can only (romantically) love one person at a time”; that society has since shed most of that memeplex, but not that particular idea, which is still part of the intersubjective truth—even among individuals who were never religious in the first place.
“Possibly” meaning that I don’t know myself, because I haven’t looked into that yet—not that I’ve seen all the available evidence and concluded it doesn’t definitely point one way or another.