I have put the show on hold until someone, anyone, demonstrates that the repeated mentions of the show are for good reason.
Superstimulus? It’s ridiculously cute without crossing into saccharine. More cute than anything in real life can be.
Anyway, if you don’t understand the “why” of its popularity, shouldn’t that make you more interested in studying it and figuring out an explanation for your confusion?
An example of such a demonstration would be a summary of one episode which makes an interesting, nontrivial point that is not about coloring or naming ponies
Well, I guess the show begins with an explanation of how if you begin with a PR.ogrammed IN.tellect of C.ausal-E.vidential S.entient S.upervision that has as its utility function L.engthen U.tility (N.ighttime A.verage), you’ll end up having it seek to eliminate the existence of daytime, because otherwise diurnal creatures will be using up the nighttime for primarily low-fun activities (like sleeping).
You need to use the elements of Friendliness to restrain such minds.
Superstimulus? It’s ridiculously cute without crossing into saccharine. More cute than anything in real life can be.
Anyway, if you don’t understand the “why” of its popularity, shouldn’t that make you more interested in studying it and figuring out an explanation for your confusion?
Well, I guess the show begins with an explanation of how if you begin with a PR.ogrammed IN.tellect of C.ausal-E.vidential S.entient S.upervision that has as its utility function L.engthen U.tility (N.ighttime A.verage), you’ll end up having it seek to eliminate the existence of daytime, because otherwise diurnal creatures will be using up the nighttime for primarily low-fun activities (like sleeping).
You need to use the elements of Friendliness to restrain such minds.
That’s a bit non-obvious to the average viewer.