Previous LessWrong reviews of Linear Algebra Done Right by Nate Soares and TurnTrout (both highly detailed).
Here’s a summary passage from Nate:
This book did a far better job of introducing the main concepts of linear algebra to me than did my Discrete Mathematics course. I came away with a vastly improved intuition for why the standard tools of linear algebra actually work.
I can personally attest that Linear Algebra Done Right is a great way to un-memorize passwords and build up that intuition. If you know how to compute a determinant but you have no idea what it means, then I recommend giving this book a shot.
I imagine that Linear Algebra Done Right would also be a good introduction for someone who hasn’t done any linear algebra at all.
TurnTrout’s review has links to solutions to the exercises (he did ~100% of the exercises, and talks about them a bit, which is relevant for Raemon’s question).
Previous LessWrong reviews of Linear Algebra Done Right by Nate Soares and TurnTrout (both highly detailed).
Here’s a summary passage from Nate:
TurnTrout’s review has links to solutions to the exercises (he did ~100% of the exercises, and talks about them a bit, which is relevant for Raemon’s question).