Just want to note that I’m less happy with a lesswrong without Duncan. I very much value Duncan’s pushback against what I see as a slow decline in quality, and so I would prefer him to stay and continue doing what he’s doing. The fact that he’s being complained about makes sense, but is mostly a function of him doing something valuable. I have had a few times where I have been slapped down by Duncan, albeit in comments on his Facebook page, where it’s much clearer that his norms are operative, and I’ve been annoyed, but each of those times, despite being frustrated, I have found that I’m being pushed in the right direction and corrected for something I’m doing wrong.
I agree that it’s bad that his comments are often overly confrontational, but there’s no way to deliver constructive feedback that doesn’t involve a degree of confrontation, and I don’t see many others pushing to raise the sanity waterline. In a world where a dozen people were fighting the good fight, I’d be happy to ask him to take a break. But this isn’t that world, and it seems much better to actively promote a norm of people saying they don’t have energy or time to engage than telling Duncan (and maybe / hopefully others) not to push back when they see thinking and comments which are bad.
Just want to note that I’m less happy with a lesswrong without Duncan. I very much value Duncan’s pushback against what I see as a slow decline in quality, and so I would prefer him to stay and continue doing what he’s doing. The fact that he’s being complained about makes sense, but is mostly a function of him doing something valuable. I have had a few times where I have been slapped down by Duncan, albeit in comments on his Facebook page, where it’s much clearer that his norms are operative, and I’ve been annoyed, but each of those times, despite being frustrated, I have found that I’m being pushed in the right direction and corrected for something I’m doing wrong.
I agree that it’s bad that his comments are often overly confrontational, but there’s no way to deliver constructive feedback that doesn’t involve a degree of confrontation, and I don’t see many others pushing to raise the sanity waterline. In a world where a dozen people were fighting the good fight, I’d be happy to ask him to take a break. But this isn’t that world, and it seems much better to actively promote a norm of people saying they don’t have energy or time to engage than telling Duncan (and maybe / hopefully others) not to push back when they see thinking and comments which are bad.