Okay, gotcha, I had not understood that. (Vaniver’s comment elsethread had also cleared this up for me I just hadn’t gotten around to replying to it yet)
One thing about “not close to the top of our list of priorities” means is that I haven’t actually thought that much about the issue in general. On the issue of “do LessWrong moderators think they should respond to strawmanning?” (or various other fallacies), my guess (thinking about it for like 5 minutes recently), I’d say something like:
I don’t think it makes sense for moderators to have a “policy against strawmanning”, in the sense that we take some kind of moderator action against it. But, a thing I think we might want to do is “when we notice someone strawmanning, make a comment saying ‘hey, this seems like strawmanning to me?’” (which we aren’t treating as special mod comment with special authority, more like just proactively being a good conversation participant). And, if we had a lot more resources, we might try to do something like “proactively noticing and responding to various fallacious arguments at scale.”
(Note that I see this issue as fairly different from the issue with Said, where the problem is not any one given comment or behavior, but an aggregate pattern)
Okay, gotcha, I had not understood that. (Vaniver’s comment elsethread had also cleared this up for me I just hadn’t gotten around to replying to it yet)
One thing about “not close to the top of our list of priorities” means is that I haven’t actually thought that much about the issue in general. On the issue of “do LessWrong moderators think they should respond to strawmanning?” (or various other fallacies), my guess (thinking about it for like 5 minutes recently), I’d say something like:
I don’t think it makes sense for moderators to have a “policy against strawmanning”, in the sense that we take some kind of moderator action against it. But, a thing I think we might want to do is “when we notice someone strawmanning, make a comment saying ‘hey, this seems like strawmanning to me?’” (which we aren’t treating as special mod comment with special authority, more like just proactively being a good conversation participant). And, if we had a lot more resources, we might try to do something like “proactively noticing and responding to various fallacious arguments at scale.”
(FYI @Vladimir_Nesov I’m curious if this sort of thing still feels ‘hair raisingly alarming’ to you)
(Note that I see this issue as fairly different from the issue with Said, where the problem is not any one given comment or behavior, but an aggregate pattern)