Not sure if this is a crux, but my impression is Said in particular is not accruing social credit for his comments. I agree that other people pulling similar maneuvers probably do, and that’s often bad, but my impression is Said in particular has just gone too far.
He was successful enough that Vaniver took it seriously and, in a highly upvoted comment on this thread, fell for what I believe is a privileging-the-hypothesis gambit (details above under Vaniver’s comment).
Not sure if this is a crux, but my impression is Said in particular is not accruing social credit for his comments. I agree that other people pulling similar maneuvers probably do, and that’s often bad, but my impression is Said in particular has just gone too far.
He was successful enough that Vaniver took it seriously and, in a highly upvoted comment on this thread, fell for what I believe is a privileging-the-hypothesis gambit (details above under Vaniver’s comment).
Thanks, I retract the comment