Agree-vote: I generally tend to choose work over sleep when I feel particularly inspired to work.
Disagree-vote: I generally tend to choose to sleep over work when even when I feel particularly inspired to work.
Any other reaction, new answer or comment, or no reaction of any kind: Neither of the two descriptions above fit.
I considered making four options to capture the dimension of whether you endorse your behaviour or not but decided against it. Feel free to supplement this information.
Agree-vote: I generally tend to choose work over sleep when I feel particularly inspired to work.
Disagree-vote: I generally tend to choose to sleep over work when even when I feel particularly inspired to work.
Any other reaction, new answer or comment, or no reaction of any kind: Neither of the two descriptions above fit.
I considered making four options to capture the dimension of whether you endorse your behaviour or not but decided against it. Feel free to supplement this information.