I’ll interpret this as “Which of the rationalist virtues do you think CFAR has gotten the most mileage from your practicing”.
The virtue of the void. Hands down. Though I still haven’t done it nearly as much as it would be useful to do it. Maybe this year?
If I instead interpret this as “Which of the rationalist virtues do you spend the most minutes practicing”: curiosity. Which would be my runner-up for “CFAR got the most mileage from my practicing”.
Which of the rationalists virtues do you think you’ve practised the most in working at CFAR?
(This is Dan from CFAR)
I did a quick poll of 5 staff members and the average answer was 5.6.
Ah, the virtue of precision.
“More can be said about the 5.6th virtue than of all the virtues in the world!”
Not precise at all. The confidence interval is HUGE.
stdev = 5.9 (without Bessel’s correction)
std error = 2.6
95% CI = (0.5, 10.7)
The confidence interval should not need to go that low. Maybe there’s a better way to do the statistics here.
To reduce sampling error you could ask everyone again.
I’ll interpret this as “Which of the rationalist virtues do you think CFAR has gotten the most mileage from your practicing”.
The virtue of the void. Hands down. Though I still haven’t done it nearly as much as it would be useful to do it. Maybe this year?
If I instead interpret this as “Which of the rationalist virtues do you spend the most minutes practicing”: curiosity. Which would be my runner-up for “CFAR got the most mileage from my practicing”.