Yes. I would reword the third paragraph as “Here’s an interesting test, which I discovered by accident: look at this video on Youtube” and rot-13 everything from that point on.
I would say “phew, ponies” after few seconds and click the back arrow. What would that imply, interesting-test-wise?
As a rule, I don’t click on youtube videos without a good description provided, due to their low information/time spent ratio.
Yes. I would reword the third paragraph as “Here’s an interesting test, which I discovered by accident: look at this video on Youtube” and rot-13 everything from that point on.
I would say “phew, ponies” after few seconds and click the back arrow. What would that imply, interesting-test-wise?
As a rule, I don’t click on youtube videos without a good description provided, due to their low information/time spent ratio.