This occurred to me, but Hermione really shot herself in the foot by publicly demonstrating the ability to successfully cast a charm above her year level on the first try, from nothing more than having glanced at the instructions once.
Plus, just from naming conventions I would expect that spell to have non-lethal uses- it’s not called the Blood-Cooling Curse, or even Hex, but Charm. Maybe it’s a treatment for heatstroke, or the counter to the Blood-Boiling Curse. In any situation other than under Hogwarts’ wards, a Charm that takes six hours to kill an unconscious first-year isn’t that big a deal, compared to, say, Levitating them off a cliff and dropping them.
True, but it’s a question that might get asked under Veritaserum.
(That said, we are talking about Hermione here. She can probably learn the spell from the false memory of having cast it once. So this test isn’t likely to be conclusive.)
This occurred to me, but Hermione really shot herself in the foot by publicly demonstrating the ability to successfully cast a charm above her year level on the first try, from nothing more than having glanced at the instructions once.
Plus, just from naming conventions I would expect that spell to have non-lethal uses- it’s not called the Blood-Cooling Curse, or even Hex, but Charm. Maybe it’s a treatment for heatstroke, or the counter to the Blood-Boiling Curse. In any situation other than under Hogwarts’ wards, a Charm that takes six hours to kill an unconscious first-year isn’t that big a deal, compared to, say, Levitating them off a cliff and dropping them.
True, but it’s a question that might get asked under Veritaserum.
(That said, we are talking about Hermione here. She can probably learn the spell from the false memory of having cast it once. So this test isn’t likely to be conclusive.)
Exactly. Which, while awesome, is not especially helpful in this one particular case.