So, his observation of Harry+1 throwing the pies is not necessary for him to think to throw pies anyway.
Harry+0′s actions or non-actions were radically transformed by the act of Harry+1′s throwing the pies.
The solutionspace for Harry+0′s problems were altered by the actions of Harry+1.
From this we must derive the answer that iteration can alter outcomes. However, from the factoring of primes we see that the TT resists allowing iteration to recurse beyond the actual number of iterations.
Where number-of-iterations = i, where i < 6, then Harry+0..i can perform as many recursive alterations of his own solution-seeking as can be achieved without exceeding the value of i.
Harry+0′s actions or non-actions were radically transformed by the act of Harry+1′s throwing the pies.
The solutionspace for Harry+0′s problems were altered by the actions of Harry+1.
From this we must derive the answer that iteration can alter outcomes. However, from the factoring of primes we see that the TT resists allowing iteration to recurse beyond the actual number of iterations.
Where number-of-iterations = i, where i < 6, then Harry+0..i can perform as many recursive alterations of his own solution-seeking as can be achieved without exceeding the value of i.