This would almost certainly be seen as Merlin himself expressing extreme displeasure from beyond the grave.
It might just as well be seen as Merlin expressing displeasure with the current carrier-on of the line when he protests a legal vote of the Wizengamot. Omens are usually interpreted opportunistically.
‘Not some kind of sign?’ said Cohen. ‘There must have been some temple I didn’t rob.’
‘The trouble with signs and portents,’ said Boy Willie, ‘is you never know who they’re for. This’n could be a nice one for Hong and his pals.’
‘Then I’m nicking it,’ said Cohen.
‘You can’t steal a message from the gods!’ said Mr Saveloy.
‘Can you see it nailed down anywhere? No? Sure? Right. So it’s mine.’
He raised his sword as the stragglers fluttered past overhead.
It might just as well be seen as Merlin expressing displeasure with the current carrier-on of the line when he protests a legal vote of the Wizengamot. Omens are usually interpreted opportunistically.
Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times