It’s expensive, difficult to make, and Magical Britain’s investigative process is pathetic. Given that a Veritaserum-given accusation and confession are considered conclusive even with known counters and a number of mind-altering spells widely taught, they most likely consider polyjuice too unlikely to bother worrying about in the vast majority of cases.
Polyjuice potion? I know they say it’s hard to make, but 3 second years managed it in canon. Did EY make a point of making it particularly harder to make than in canon?
Maybe not harder, but more dangerous. 2 second years managed in canon, and the 3rd messed up and got turned into a catgirl. HPMOR chapter 78 has a reference to that, except this time the catgirl transformation is permanent.
Time Turner.
EDIT: On the other hand, if people know you have a time turner, then you have to work extra hard to establish an alibi.
EDIT Again: But then, with Polyjuice Potion, how could anyone ever have an alibi? Ehhh, maybe it’s time for more suspension of belief.
It’s expensive, difficult to make, and Magical Britain’s investigative process is pathetic. Given that a Veritaserum-given accusation and confession are considered conclusive even with known counters and a number of mind-altering spells widely taught, they most likely consider polyjuice too unlikely to bother worrying about in the vast majority of cases.
Polyjuice potion? I know they say it’s hard to make, but 3 second years managed it in canon. Did EY make a point of making it particularly harder to make than in canon?
Maybe not harder, but more dangerous. 2 second years managed in canon, and the 3rd messed up and got turned into a catgirl. HPMOR chapter 78 has a reference to that, except this time the catgirl transformation is permanent.