I don’t know, it’s kind of telling that Harry-as-Voldemort quotes Quirrell’s “one must be efficient” thing to Bella without seeming to notice. And I’ve always been of the opinion that the glowing-red-eyes, high-pitched-giggling schtick was a conscious attempt to get people to underestimate him ever since the martial arts story. (He goes in disguise to learn, is taught to “lose” and kick butt, comes back afterwards in full regalia to kill everyone who spat on him except his one friend, in the process making sure no one else will learn what he did.) Apparently he sees a benefit in cultivating the crazy sadistic killer persona, but it’s definitely done out of cold calculation.
it’s kind of telling that Harry-as-Voldemort quotes Quirrell’s “one must be efficient” thing to Bella without seeming to notice.
Why? Harry himself respects Quirrel (as a powerful wizard, all questions of motivation aside) more than enough to emulate and quote him.
the martial arts story
Story makes limited sense. Why leave a single survivor to tell the story when that survivor and all the dead are muggles? Why spread fear-of-Voldemort to other Muggles who wouldn’t believe in it, him, or magic, anyway? Notice that the one we see actually spreading the story is Quirrel.
It might just as easily that really he killed them all quickly and dispassionately once he learned everything, and invented the story to tell others once he became Quirrelmort and wanted stories to disparage Voldemort rather than to enhance fear of him.
Why? Harry himself respects Quirrel (as a powerful wizard, all questions of motivation aside) more than enough to emulate and quote him.
When Harry asks his brain “what would Voldemort say”, the response comes out almost word-for-word what Quirrell would say. This despite Harry’s previous conscious disparagement of Voldemort.
Notice that the one we see actually spreading the story is Quirrell.
It might just as easily that really he [...] invented the story to tell others once he became Quirrelmort and wanted stories to disparage Voldemort rather than to enhance fear of him.
You know, right up until this latest chapter I would have dismissed this idea out of hand for how sloppy it would be- he states that one was left alive to spread the story which no one else has ever heard? It wouldn’t exactly be difficult to check, either.
But Quirrell was apparently a Ravenclaw, so I’m not sure what to think anymore.
I don’t know, it’s kind of telling that Harry-as-Voldemort quotes Quirrell’s “one must be efficient” thing to Bella without seeming to notice. And I’ve always been of the opinion that the glowing-red-eyes, high-pitched-giggling schtick was a conscious attempt to get people to underestimate him ever since the martial arts story. (He goes in disguise to learn, is taught to “lose” and kick butt, comes back afterwards in full regalia to kill everyone who spat on him except his one friend, in the process making sure no one else will learn what he did.) Apparently he sees a benefit in cultivating the crazy sadistic killer persona, but it’s definitely done out of cold calculation.
Why? Harry himself respects Quirrel (as a powerful wizard, all questions of motivation aside) more than enough to emulate and quote him.
Story makes limited sense. Why leave a single survivor to tell the story when that survivor and all the dead are muggles? Why spread fear-of-Voldemort to other Muggles who wouldn’t believe in it, him, or magic, anyway? Notice that the one we see actually spreading the story is Quirrel.
It might just as easily that really he killed them all quickly and dispassionately once he learned everything, and invented the story to tell others once he became Quirrelmort and wanted stories to disparage Voldemort rather than to enhance fear of him.
When Harry asks his brain “what would Voldemort say”, the response comes out almost word-for-word what Quirrell would say. This despite Harry’s previous conscious disparagement of Voldemort.
You know, right up until this latest chapter I would have dismissed this idea out of hand for how sloppy it would be- he states that one was left alive to spread the story which no one else has ever heard? It wouldn’t exactly be difficult to check, either.
But Quirrell was apparently a Ravenclaw, so I’m not sure what to think anymore.