because it is branded with the ea movement by being
What does the name “lesswrong” have to do with EA? There’s a certain overlap between the two communities, but LessWrong’s mission has nothing to do with EA specifically. To the extent that it has any mission other than the one on its face, raising the sanity waterline, then historically that mission — Eliezer’s mission — was to get people to think properly about AI and avert the coming doom.
FWIW, I am not and never have been an EA and do not read or participate in EA forums, but I’ve been on LW since it began on OvercomingBias. If it became “an enforcement arm of the branded “EA” movement, accountable for all its sins” I would leave.
What does the name “lesswrong” have to do with EA? There’s a certain overlap between the two communities, but LessWrong’s mission has nothing to do with EA specifically. To the extent that it has any mission other than the one on its face, raising the sanity waterline, then historically that mission — Eliezer’s mission — was to get people to think properly about AI and avert the coming doom.
FWIW, I am not and never have been an EA and do not read or participate in EA forums, but I’ve been on LW since it began on OvercomingBias. If it became “an enforcement arm of the branded “EA” movement, accountable for all its sins” I would leave.