I have noticed a common pattern in the popularity of some blogs and webcomics. The search terms in Google trends for these sites usually seem to follow a curve that looks roughly like this (a logistic increase followed by a slower exponential decay):
Though I doubt it’s really an exponential decay. It looks more like a long tail. Maybe someone can come up with a better fit.
It could be that the decay just seems like a decay and actually results from ever growing Google search volumes. I doubt it though.
Below are some examples.
Marginal Revolution
SlateStarCodex and AstralCodexTen (only if you overlay them somewhat and whatever happened in 2004):
Could be Candia’s decay where you’ve zoomed in on the initial growth by looking at relatively recent stuff like webcomics that you still easily remember?
I have noticed a common pattern in the popularity of some blogs and webcomics. The search terms in Google trends for these sites usually seem to follow a curve that looks roughly like this (a logistic increase followed by a slower exponential decay):
y=e−x1+e−10(x−1)Though I doubt it’s really an exponential decay. It looks more like a long tail. Maybe someone can come up with a better fit.
It could be that the decay just seems like a decay and actually results from ever growing Google search volumes. I doubt it though.
Below are some examples.
Marginal Revolution
SlateStarCodex and AstralCodexTen (only if you overlay them somewhat and whatever happened in 2004):
Quetionable Content
Could be Candia’s decay where you’ve zoomed in on the initial growth by looking at relatively recent stuff like webcomics that you still easily remember?