You said you use this for ROT13ing things. How does that work? Suppose I wanted to make a Facebook post that gave my friends the option of knowing Obama is a werewolf, but also gave them the option for them not to know this if they’d rather be surprised later.
The Chrome plugin I linked to lets you carry out basic encoding functions in the browser, which includes stuff like rot13, URL-safe strings, a couple of hashing functions, etc.
You said you use this for ROT13ing things. How does that work? Suppose I wanted to make a Facebook post that gave my friends the option of knowing Obama is a werewolf, but also gave them the option for them not to know this if they’d rather be surprised later.
The Chrome plugin I linked to lets you carry out basic encoding functions in the browser, which includes stuff like rot13, URL-safe strings, a couple of hashing functions, etc.