I think the basilisk is at least a very significant contributor to LW’s brand rust. In fact, guilt by association with the basilisk via LW is the reason I don’t like to tell people I went to a CFAR workshop (because rationality → “those basilisk people, right?”)
Reputations seem to be very fragile on the Internet. I wonder if there’s anything we could do about that? The one crazy idea I had was (rot13′d so you’ll try to come up with your own idea first): znxr n fvgr jurer nyy qvfphffvba vf cevingr, naq gb znxr vg vzcbffvoyr gb funer perqvoyr fperrafubgf bs gur qvfphffvba, perngr n gbby gung nyybjf nalbar gb znxr n snxr fperrafubg bs nalbar fnlvat nalguvat.
Ooh, your idea is interesting. Mine was to perngr n jro bs gehfg sbe erchgngvba fb gung lbh pna ng n tynapr xabj jung snpgvbaf guvax bs fvgrf/pbzzhavgvrf/rgp, gung jnl lbh’yy xabj jung gur crbcyr lbh pner nobhg guvax nf bccbfrq gb univat gb rinyhngr gur perqvovyvgl bs enaqbz crbcyr jvgu n zrtncubar.
I think the basilisk is at least a very significant contributor to LW’s brand rust. In fact, guilt by association with the basilisk via LW is the reason I don’t like to tell people I went to a CFAR workshop (because rationality → “those basilisk people, right?”)
Reputations seem to be very fragile on the Internet. I wonder if there’s anything we could do about that? The one crazy idea I had was (rot13′d so you’ll try to come up with your own idea first): znxr n fvgr jurer nyy qvfphffvba vf cevingr, naq gb znxr vg vzcbffvoyr gb funer perqvoyr fperrafubgf bs gur qvfphffvba, perngr n gbby gung nyybjf nalbar gb znxr n snxr fperrafubg bs nalbar fnlvat nalguvat.
Ooh, your idea is interesting. Mine was to perngr n jro bs gehfg sbe erchgngvba fb gung lbh pna ng n tynapr xabj jung snpgvbaf guvax bs fvgrf/pbzzhavgvrf/rgp, gung jnl lbh’yy xabj jung gur crbcyr lbh pner nobhg guvax nf bccbfrq gb univat gb rinyhngr gur perqvovyvgl bs enaqbz crbcyr jvgu n zrtncubar.