Not speaking for above poster: because that’s not actually trivial—you need a real fake phone number to receive validation on, etc. Also, putting fake data into a computer system feels disvirtuous enough to put me off doing it further.
I misremembered, you are correct. I was possibly instead frustrated with finding a temporary email that it would accept (they block the most common disposables I think).
The database is only techne in that context, its own telos lies in maintaining nice tables and properly responding to queries—things I do not mess with :-)
Not speaking for above poster: because that’s not actually trivial—you need a real fake phone number to receive validation on, etc. Also, putting fake data into a computer system feels disvirtuous enough to put me off doing it further.
facebook still does not have my phone number. Not sure what you did to need a phone number verification...
I misremembered, you are correct. I was possibly instead frustrated with finding a temporary email that it would accept (they block the most common disposables I think).
Interesting. I consider poisoning big surveillance/marketing databases to be virtuous X-D
I don’t like to frustrate the poor databases’ telos, it is not at fault for the use humans put its data to.
(Yes, I realise this is silly. It’s still an actual weight in the mess I call a morality; just a small one.)
The database is only techne in that context, its own telos lies in maintaining nice tables and properly responding to queries—things I do not mess with :-)