A general form of deciding on a process and committing to it. Take the decision out of your hands. Ask the Magic 8 Ball.
A trick I’ve read (Baumeister?) is to just postpone the eating. Have a plan to have a cookie tomorrow. Or at the end of the week. Knowing that you’re going to have one is supposed (has been shown?) to lessen the immediate temptation.
In the random and postponement cases, your mind gets the satisfaction of maybe getting a cookie now or surely getting a cookie later. That anticipation is supposed to have it’s own satisfaction that makes the actual eating less motivating.
A general form of deciding on a process and committing to it. Take the decision out of your hands. Ask the Magic 8 Ball.
A trick I’ve read (Baumeister?) is to just postpone the eating. Have a plan to have a cookie tomorrow. Or at the end of the week. Knowing that you’re going to have one is supposed (has been shown?) to lessen the immediate temptation.
In the random and postponement cases, your mind gets the satisfaction of maybe getting a cookie now or surely getting a cookie later. That anticipation is supposed to have it’s own satisfaction that makes the actual eating less motivating.