-Good catch on ‘language agents’, we will think about best terminology going forward
-I’m not sure what you have in mind regarding accessing beliefs/desires using synaptic weights rather than text. For example, the language of thought approach to human cognition suggests that human access to beliefs/desires is also fundamentally syntactic rather than weight based. OTOH one way to incorporate some kind of weight would be to assign probabilities to the beliefs stored in the memory stream.
-For OOD over time, I think updating the LLM wouldn’t be uncompetitive for inventing new concepts/ways of thinking, because that happens slowly. Harder issue is updating on new world knowledge. Maybe browser plugins will fill the gap here, open question.
-I agree that info security is important safety intervention. AFAICT its value is independent of using language agents vs RL agents.
-One end-game is systematic conflict between humans + language agents, vs RL/transformer agent successors to MuZero, GPT4, Gato etc.
Thank you for your reactions:
-Good catch on ‘language agents’, we will think about best terminology going forward
-I’m not sure what you have in mind regarding accessing beliefs/desires using synaptic weights rather than text. For example, the language of thought approach to human cognition suggests that human access to beliefs/desires is also fundamentally syntactic rather than weight based. OTOH one way to incorporate some kind of weight would be to assign probabilities to the beliefs stored in the memory stream.
-For OOD over time, I think updating the LLM wouldn’t be uncompetitive for inventing new concepts/ways of thinking, because that happens slowly. Harder issue is updating on new world knowledge. Maybe browser plugins will fill the gap here, open question.
-I agree that info security is important safety intervention. AFAICT its value is independent of using language agents vs RL agents.
-One end-game is systematic conflict between humans + language agents, vs RL/transformer agent successors to MuZero, GPT4, Gato etc.