I suspect the largest market is for very young children. My son’s pediatrician recommended we brush his teeth, but all the children’s toothpaste I’ve bought has been non-flourinated. I assume that this is based on some sort of medical advice to the manufacturers, but I’ve never actually checked.
At a guess, it’s a precaution: very young children may eat it down as a kind of candy. (Don’t all flouridated toothpastes come with warnings against swallowing?)
Ah. I wondered whether it was a big enough market to support a non-flouridated toothpaste, but I didn’t have enough energy to look it up. (Head cold.)
I suspect the largest market is for very young children. My son’s pediatrician recommended we brush his teeth, but all the children’s toothpaste I’ve bought has been non-flourinated. I assume that this is based on some sort of medical advice to the manufacturers, but I’ve never actually checked.
At a guess, it’s a precaution: very young children may eat it down as a kind of candy. (Don’t all flouridated toothpastes come with warnings against swallowing?)
Not just the very young—my 5 year old son was consuming toothpaste at such a rate that we have had to cut off his formerly unfettered access to it.
No amount of telling him ‘eating a tubeful every few days is probably unhealthy’ had any effect—he just loves the stuff.