I don’t think there’s very much conflict. The basic idea of cousin-it’s post is that the probabilities of generic statements are not described by a simplicity prior. Eliezer’s post is about the reasons why the probabilities of every mutually exclusive explanation for your data should look like a simplicity prior (an explanation is a sort of statement, but in order for the arguments to work, you can’t assign probabilities to any old explanations—they need to have this specific sort of structure).
I don’t think there’s very much conflict. The basic idea of cousin-it’s post is that the probabilities of generic statements are not described by a simplicity prior. Eliezer’s post is about the reasons why the probabilities of every mutually exclusive explanation for your data should look like a simplicity prior (an explanation is a sort of statement, but in order for the arguments to work, you can’t assign probabilities to any old explanations—they need to have this specific sort of structure).