Keeping in mind, though, that a “stupid cached thought” is not stupid merely because it is cached. It looks to me like this might be a confusion between “cached thought” and “short handle that refers to a more detailed, commonly understood situation”, both here and in your earlier response to me in this thread.
In this case, I think it is (a) stupid and (b) a cached thought.
The earlier response, that you have linked to, was mostly me realizing that the knee-jerk reaction was because I tend to have that reaction to cached thoughts. It just didn’t mean anything to me in that context and it triggered the reaction I have when I encounter cached thoughts. I wasn’t trying to give the impression that I thought, “Think for yourself” was stupid.
In retrospect, I suppose saying “reject out of hand” was a bit harsh...
Hopefully that clarifies something I muddled up earlier. :P
Or just a stupid cached thought.
Keeping in mind, though, that a “stupid cached thought” is not stupid merely because it is cached. It looks to me like this might be a confusion between “cached thought” and “short handle that refers to a more detailed, commonly understood situation”, both here and in your earlier response to me in this thread.
Ironically, this means you need to avoid the cached thought “cached thoughts are stupid” and actually think about the problem.
In this case, I think it is (a) stupid and (b) a cached thought.
The earlier response, that you have linked to, was mostly me realizing that the knee-jerk reaction was because I tend to have that reaction to cached thoughts. It just didn’t mean anything to me in that context and it triggered the reaction I have when I encounter cached thoughts. I wasn’t trying to give the impression that I thought, “Think for yourself” was stupid.
In retrospect, I suppose saying “reject out of hand” was a bit harsh...
Hopefully that clarifies something I muddled up earlier. :P