I think this is a great point. I read about ET Jaynes that he had the option to do his PHD in physics with Bohr but he declined because he knew that his POV was in contradiction with Bohr’s and therefore he chose to do it with someone else(I don’t remember with whom). My respect of Jaynes increased tremendously after I read this.
Well AFAIK Bohr was considered one of the greatest physicists of his time and a lot of students would be vying to be able to do their PHD with him. So not only did Jaynes not care about his status but he also thought with his own brain and came to the conclusion that Bohr had a flawed POV.
I think this is a great point. I read about ET Jaynes that he had the option to do his PHD in physics with Bohr but he declined because he knew that his POV was in contradiction with Bohr’s and therefore he chose to do it with someone else(I don’t remember with whom). My respect of Jaynes increased tremendously after I read this.
Why did contradicting Bohr raise your opinion of someone tremendously?
Well AFAIK Bohr was considered one of the greatest physicists of his time and a lot of students would be vying to be able to do their PHD with him. So not only did Jaynes not care about his status but he also thought with his own brain and came to the conclusion that Bohr had a flawed POV.
I read that to mean that the respect was for Jaynes’ integrity, and not for his specific point of view.