Out of curiosity, what’s the greatest number of significant digits that you’ve ever memorized, in any time frame?
Also 10 (EDIT: 20) (random) decimal digits is about 70 bits of entropy, which is an extraordinarily strong password and borders on being a usable cryptographic key (not for long-term safety against high-resource opposition, but well out of “easily brute-forced by a modern computer” territory). Do you use the same kind of memorization you did here for passwords? I can (and do) memorize passwords longer than 20 characters, but I don’t really count that because I generate the mnemonic first and then the password from it. Memorizing the password doesn’t take long, but sometimes getting the mnemonic into my head does...
I use multiple passwords of consisting of 12 elements of a..z, A..Z, 0..9, and ~20 symbol characters, generated randomly. Total entropy of these is around 76 bits.
10 decimal digits is actually more like 33 bits of entropy.
Yeah, I (roughly) computed for 20 digits (what Alex said) and then wrote the wrong thing, because… derp? Also, yes, it’s up to 66.4 bits, not 70. My bad
Out of curiosity, what’s the greatest number of significant digits that you’ve ever memorized, in any time frame?
Also 10 (EDIT: 20) (random) decimal digits is about 70 bits of entropy, which is an extraordinarily strong password and borders on being a usable cryptographic key (not for long-term safety against high-resource opposition, but well out of “easily brute-forced by a modern computer” territory). Do you use the same kind of memorization you did here for passwords? I can (and do) memorize passwords longer than 20 characters, but I don’t really count that because I generate the mnemonic first and then the password from it. Memorizing the password doesn’t take long, but sometimes getting the mnemonic into my head does...
I use multiple passwords of consisting of 12 elements of a..z, A..Z, 0..9, and ~20 symbol characters, generated randomly. Total entropy of these is around 76 bits.
10 decimal digits is actually more like 33 bits of entropy.
Yeah, I (roughly) computed for 20 digits (what Alex said) and then wrote the wrong thing, because… derp? Also, yes, it’s up to 66.4 bits, not 70. My bad