If anything to do with the government has to be considered as ‘about violence’… bah.
Of course all laws enforced by governments are enforced with the threat of violence, and actual violence against violators. The law itself may not be violent, but violence will be used if necessary to enforce it.
Violence is not necessarily bad; it is a tool that may be the right one to use. Just as government and laws are not bad in themselves. If you object to saying government uses violence, you must be disagreeing with me over the meaning of the word “violence”.
Of course simply talking about government, or any particular government policy, is not about violence. And so it’s not a derail that needs to be moderated.
But violence is an essential part of government. That’s all I was saying.
Compare: simply talking about cryonics is not about quantum mechanics. If discussion of quantum mechanics were counterfactually forbidden, talking about cryonics would not be forbidden thereby. But cryonics, like all physical systems, is “implemented” or backed by quantum mechanics; you can’t have one without the other.
Of course all laws enforced by governments are enforced with the threat of violence, and actual violence against violators. The law itself may not be violent, but violence will be used if necessary to enforce it.
Violence is not necessarily bad; it is a tool that may be the right one to use. Just as government and laws are not bad in themselves. If you object to saying government uses violence, you must be disagreeing with me over the meaning of the word “violence”.
Sufficiently proximate to the point that simply talking about government is in fact a derail advocating violence? I think not.
Of course simply talking about government, or any particular government policy, is not about violence. And so it’s not a derail that needs to be moderated.
But violence is an essential part of government. That’s all I was saying.
Compare: simply talking about cryonics is not about quantum mechanics. If discussion of quantum mechanics were counterfactually forbidden, talking about cryonics would not be forbidden thereby. But cryonics, like all physical systems, is “implemented” or backed by quantum mechanics; you can’t have one without the other.