That censorship because of what people think of LessWrong is ridiculous. That the negative effect on the reputation is probably significantly less than what is assumed. And that if EY thought that censorship of content for the sake of LW’s image is in order he should’ve logically thought that omitting fetishes from his public OKCupid profile(for the record I’ve defended the view that this is his right) among other things is also in order as well. And some other thoughts of this kind.
What was your line of thought?
That censorship because of what people think of LessWrong is ridiculous. That the negative effect on the reputation is probably significantly less than what is assumed. And that if EY thought that censorship of content for the sake of LW’s image is in order he should’ve logically thought that omitting fetishes from his public OKCupid profile(for the record I’ve defended the view that this is his right) among other things is also in order as well. And some other thoughts of this kind.