Not to undermine your point, but |up, up> + |down, down> is perfectly oriented in the X direction.
What works better for this is that you indicate that the state is A |up, up> + B|down, down>, and you don’t know A and B.
|up, up> + |down, down> is perfectly oriented in the X direction.
Nay. (|up>+|down>)(|up>+|down>) is oriented in the X-direction.
Hmmm… Yes.
I’m used to people forgetting that every single-particle spinor maps onto a single direction. Then I forget spinor addition. Oops.
Not to undermine your point, but |up, up> + |down, down> is perfectly oriented in the X direction.
What works better for this is that you indicate that the state is A |up, up> + B|down, down>, and you don’t know A and B.
Nay. (|up>+|down>)(|up>+|down>) is oriented in the X-direction.
Hmmm… Yes.
I’m used to people forgetting that every single-particle spinor maps onto a single direction. Then I forget spinor addition. Oops.