This still doesn’t change the fact that hearing about Mr. Rich Misogynist here enjoying a 7-figure trust fund, mistreating women, and generally being happy at the expense of others makes me generally unhappy, indicating a negative term for his happiness in my utility function.
I believe you if you say that you have a negative term for his happiness but I observe that this is not indicated by the preceding observation. You getting happy in response to list of bad things happening and he is happy says little about the utility you assign specifically to he is happy if we assume you assign negative utility to bad things happening.
You and another comment here are making me reevaluate my categories for why I weight something negatively. Let me get back to you after I’ve had a chance to think about it more.
EDIT: For purposes of clarity, I’m going to respond to your post as well as this one there.
I believe you if you say that you have a negative term for his happiness but I observe that this is not indicated by the preceding observation. You getting happy in response to list of bad things happening and he is happy says little about the utility you assign specifically to he is happy if we assume you assign negative utility to bad things happening.
You and another comment here are making me reevaluate my categories for why I weight something negatively. Let me get back to you after I’ve had a chance to think about it more.
EDIT: For purposes of clarity, I’m going to respond to your post as well as this one there.