To figure out how much you care about other people being happy as defined by how much they want similar or compatible things to you, in a reasonably well-defined mathematical framework.
Yes, that’s the point. Everyone’s utility vector would have the same length, which contains terms for everything it is conceivably possible to want. Otherwise, it would be difficult to take an inner product.
Why would you want to throw out scalar information in a multi-term utility function?
To figure out how much you care about other people being happy as defined by how much they want similar or compatible things to you, in a reasonably well-defined mathematical framework.
Someone with the exact same utility terms but wildly different coefficients on them could well be considered quite unfriendly.
Yes, that’s the point. Everyone’s utility vector would have the same length, which contains terms for everything it is conceivably possible to want. Otherwise, it would be difficult to take an inner product.