Apparently I don’t forget ideas, they just move places in my consciousness.
In the first week of last september I mused about writing a handbook of rationality for myself akin to how the ancient Stoics wrote handbooks for themselves. Nothing came from it, I plain and simply forgot about it. Next week I mused about writing a book using LaTeX and git as the git model allows to have many parallel versions of the book and there needs to be no canon for it to work, as opposed to a wiki, though still allowing collaboration. Now there already is a book written with git and writing a document with git is not a new idea at all.
Thinking about parallel legal systems or organisation forms with the explicit goal of copying the viable parts reminded me of using git to write source code. Inded, there is no difference between writing down social rules and personal maxims with this principle so I came to the obvious conclusion only a couple of hours ago: Use git to write a handbook of rationality, encourage other people to fork it and to do their own edits, keeping the viable parts and rejecting the questionable stuff.
Actions speak louder than words though lack of knowledge and other commitments can be an impediment, so I made a repository with only just the hint of a structure. Please provide your content and your thoughts about this.
I think this is a good idea, and I’m curious to see how it goes. I’ll be watching, and as I complete some of my other writing duties I think this has a good chance of becoming one.
Something else that might be interesting: this comment and the idea it’s a response to in the OP.
Thank you for your comment. I would be very happy to see you work on this too.
At the moment I am sadly swamped but this will pass in a week or two.
Edit: Now that I actually took the time to read the comment, I dump these first thoughts. Yes, most of the advice won’t apply to any single person but the idea is to ahve anyone edit their own version. What I expect to see is some kind of tome with the most useful (widely applicable or extremely effective) stuff in it and explanations of it too, and a shorter version everyone or their group creates for themselves.
Apparently I don’t forget ideas, they just move places in my consciousness.
In the first week of last september I mused about writing a handbook of rationality for myself akin to how the ancient Stoics wrote handbooks for themselves. Nothing came from it, I plain and simply forgot about it. Next week I mused about writing a book using LaTeX and git as the git model allows to have many parallel versions of the book and there needs to be no canon for it to work, as opposed to a wiki, though still allowing collaboration. Now there already is a book written with git and writing a document with git is not a new idea at all.
Thinking about parallel legal systems or organisation forms with the explicit goal of copying the viable parts reminded me of using git to write source code. Inded, there is no difference between writing down social rules and personal maxims with this principle so I came to the obvious conclusion only a couple of hours ago: Use git to write a handbook of rationality, encourage other people to fork it and to do their own edits, keeping the viable parts and rejecting the questionable stuff.
Actions speak louder than words though lack of knowledge and other commitments can be an impediment, so I made a repository with only just the hint of a structure. Please provide your content and your thoughts about this.
I think this is a good idea, and I’m curious to see how it goes. I’ll be watching, and as I complete some of my other writing duties I think this has a good chance of becoming one.
Something else that might be interesting: this comment and the idea it’s a response to in the OP.
Thank you for your comment. I would be very happy to see you work on this too.
At the moment I am sadly swamped but this will pass in a week or two.
Edit: Now that I actually took the time to read the comment, I dump these first thoughts. Yes, most of the advice won’t apply to any single person but the idea is to ahve anyone edit their own version. What I expect to see is some kind of tome with the most useful (widely applicable or extremely effective) stuff in it and explanations of it too, and a shorter version everyone or their group creates for themselves.