A few questions about cryonics I could not find answers to online.
What is the fraction of deceased cryo subscribers who got preserved at all? Of those who are, how long after clinical death? Say, within 15 min? 1 hour? 6 hours? 24 hours? Later than that? With/without other remains preservation measures in the interim?
A few questions about cryonics I could not find answers to online.
What is the fraction of deceased cryo subscribers who got preserved at all? Of those who are, how long after clinical death? Say, within 15 min? 1 hour? 6 hours? 24 hours? Later than that? With/without other remains preservation measures in the interim?
Alcor appears to list all its cases at http://www.alcor.org/cases.html , and Ci at , though the last few case links are dead. So, at least some of the statistics can be extracted. However, it is not clear whether failures to preserve are listed anywhere.
Some other relevant questions which I could not find answers to:
How often do cryo memberships lapse and for what reasons?
How successful are last-minute cryo requests from non-subscribers?