For a couple of days, I’ve been trying to explain to pinyaka why not all maximizers are reward maximizers. It’s really forced me to flesh out my current understanding of AGI. I wrote the most detailed natural language explanation of why not all maximizers are reward maximizers that I could muster in my most recent reply, and just in case it still didn’t click for him, I thought I’d prepare a pseudocode example since I had a sense that I could do it. Then I thought that instead of just leaving it on my hard drive or at the bottom of a comment thread, it might be a good idea to share it here to get feedback on how well I’m understanding everything. I’m not a programmer, or a computer scientist, or a mathematician or anything; I read a book about Python a few years ago and I read Superintelligence, so I have a feeling that I didn’t quite get this right and I’d love to refine my model. The code’s pretty much Python.
For a couple of days, I’ve been trying to explain to pinyaka why not all maximizers are reward maximizers. It’s really forced me to flesh out my current understanding of AGI. I wrote the most detailed natural language explanation of why not all maximizers are reward maximizers that I could muster in my most recent reply, and just in case it still didn’t click for him, I thought I’d prepare a pseudocode example since I had a sense that I could do it. Then I thought that instead of just leaving it on my hard drive or at the bottom of a comment thread, it might be a good idea to share it here to get feedback on how well I’m understanding everything. I’m not a programmer, or a computer scientist, or a mathematician or anything; I read a book about Python a few years ago and I read Superintelligence, so I have a feeling that I didn’t quite get this right and I’d love to refine my model. The code’s pretty much Python.
For paperclip maximizers: def generateTerminalValue() TerminalValue = MaximizePaperclips return TerminalValue
For reward maximizers: def generateTerminalValue() TerminalValue = MaximizeRewardSignal return TerminalValue