And yeah, that line tripped my wires as well, but I think there are two more likely candidates for concealment than lack of intent to kill:
-Lack of ability to kill
-Whether there is a Headmaster of Hogwarts now (one can imagine a magically designated Interim Headmaster being immediately instated for the purpose of the wards)
I don’t think that’s the same gun.
And yeah, that line tripped my wires as well, but I think there are two more likely candidates for concealment than lack of intent to kill:
-Lack of ability to kill
-Whether there is a Headmaster of Hogwarts now (one can imagine a magically designated Interim Headmaster being immediately instated for the purpose of the wards)
The old Headmaster isn’t dead, just unreachable. It may be that noone has the access to the wards needed to become the new Headmaster.