There was a section about him sending out someone else to buy Muggle items. A gun seems a straightforward item.
Getting a handgun in Britain is not straightforward, although I suppose wizards would have certain advantages in this department.
It was considerably easier before the Dunblane massacre (1996).
He did tell Fred and George that their contact might have to go outside Britain for some of the items, so...
Wizards can travel quite fast via appariting and the floo network. They might have brought it at another country.
There was a section about him sending out someone else to buy Muggle items. A gun seems a straightforward item.
Getting a handgun in Britain is not straightforward, although I suppose wizards would have certain advantages in this department.
It was considerably easier before the Dunblane massacre (1996).
He did tell Fred and George that their contact might have to go outside Britain for some of the items, so...
Wizards can travel quite fast via appariting and the floo network. They might have brought it at another country.