One thing I’d like to see covered are conditions that are “treatable” with good lifestyle choices, but whose burden is so onerous that no one would consider them acceptable.
Excellent point. This can even be made considerably stronger:
The whole health care debate was about ~15% of our economy (I’m writing from the
U.S.). For any given individual, working a 40 hour week, the equivalent cost would be
to burden them with ~15% of their working hours with some lifestyle choice (whether
6 hours per week of exercise or some other comparably time consuming action).
Lifestyle changes can be damned expensive in terms of opportunity costs.
Excellent point. This can even be made considerably stronger: The whole health care debate was about ~15% of our economy (I’m writing from the U.S.). For any given individual, working a 40 hour week, the equivalent cost would be to burden them with ~15% of their working hours with some lifestyle choice (whether 6 hours per week of exercise or some other comparably time consuming action). Lifestyle changes can be damned expensive in terms of opportunity costs.