I predict Yvain still has one, since I think Raikoth was his personal site. Odds are high the site is temporarily down and it’ll be fixed, but I’ll ping him.
If he’s let the raikoth.net domain lapse intentionally (maybe to
minimize the amount of old stuff by him on the internet) I hope he’ll
consider renewing it just so he can host a permissive
This way the rest of raikoth.net will no longer be visible to casual
internet searchers but will still be available on the Internet
Archive’s Wayback Machine (which
it will not if someone else buys the domain and puts up a restrictive
I spidered his site with wget at one point. I’d be happy to provide a copy to anyone who wants it, but I’m afraid wget did not get everything, e.g., the image in question here would probably not have been found by wget.
I predict Yvain still has one, since I think Raikoth was his personal site. Odds are high the site is temporarily down and it’ll be fixed, but I’ll ping him.
If he’s let the raikoth.net domain lapse intentionally (maybe to minimize the amount of old stuff by him on the internet) I hope he’ll consider renewing it just so he can host a permissive robots.txt. This way the rest of raikoth.net will no longer be visible to casual internet searchers but will still be available on the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine (which it will not if someone else buys the domain and puts up a restrictive robots.txt).
I spidered his site with wget at one point. I’d be happy to provide a copy to anyone who wants it, but I’m afraid wget did not get everything, e.g., the image in question here would probably not have been found by wget.