If you want to make your comments useful, then you should try to make your thoughts more clear and coherent. You seem to be trying to say a lot of things without really explaining what any of them mean. “This”? “Machines”? What are you trying to say?
It also appears that English may not be your first language. People here probably won’t hold that against you, but you should use simple grammar that you can understand. If you can write in correct English grammar, then please take a few seconds to do so when you write a post.
Thanks for advice. You’re right. You know, this is my fourth language since I have three more native language. I will be careful next time. Well, I’m not really motivated for some votes but I’m motivated for those ideas that I could read. Thanks a lot.
Your comment is going to be downvoted a lot.
If you want to make your comments useful, then you should try to make your thoughts more clear and coherent. You seem to be trying to say a lot of things without really explaining what any of them mean. “This”? “Machines”? What are you trying to say?
It also appears that English may not be your first language. People here probably won’t hold that against you, but you should use simple grammar that you can understand. If you can write in correct English grammar, then please take a few seconds to do so when you write a post.
Thanks for advice. You’re right. You know, this is my fourth language since I have three more native language. I will be careful next time. Well, I’m not really motivated for some votes but I’m motivated for those ideas that I could read. Thanks a lot.
I’m glad to hear you’re open to advice :) I hope you will find our ideas helpful and interesting.