Theoretical: Does one increase one’s chances of reanimation more by signing up and planning for cryonization or by allocating an equivalent amount of resources to bringing about AGI?
They are both Pascal’s wagers.
More Practical: If your body has to be transported thousands kilometers and cross a border before cryopreservation is started, your chances of resurrection are most likely negligible, even if cryonics happened to work in principle.
In the comment below, wedrifid objected the usage of the term “Pascal’s wager”. Consider it substituted by the terms “Pascal″s mugging” or “Pascal’s scam”, if you prefer.
They are both Pascal’s wagers.
More Practical: If your body has to be transported thousands kilometers and cross a border before cryopreservation is started, your chances of resurrection are most likely negligible, even if cryonics happened to work in principle.
In the comment below, wedrifid objected the usage of the term “Pascal’s wager”. Consider it substituted by the terms “Pascal″s mugging” or “Pascal’s scam”, if you prefer.
No. That isn’t what that term means.