It seems worth remembering the AXRP podcast episode on InfraBayesianism, which I think was the first time I didn’t bounce off something related to this?
I’ve had on my TODO to try reading the LW post transcript of that and seeing if it could be distilled further.
A future episode might include a brief distillation of that episode ;)
There was one paragraph from the podcast that I found especially enlightening—I excerpted it here (Section 3.2.3).
It seems worth remembering the AXRP podcast episode on InfraBayesianism, which I think was the first time I didn’t bounce off something related to this?
I’ve had on my TODO to try reading the LW post transcript of that and seeing if it could be distilled further.
A future episode might include a brief distillation of that episode ;)
There was one paragraph from the podcast that I found especially enlightening—I excerpted it here (Section 3.2.3).