Reading Writers guild policy doc there was a principle of “the vase is already broken”. The whole document is a lot how you make a red organization and most of the princples are anti-white.
The principle makes sense but I found it be foregin to my culture. Things are made to be replaced. And if something is done wrong today we will try to do right the next day.
In contrast the blue way is much more familiar with me. Accept only true things, set up things for perpetuity. In the contrast I noticed that the blue thing is focused on avoiding to making mistakes. You slow down enough that everything can be verified. In the red way you speed up so things can be corrected.
In blue if you make a mistake you will build a machine that will do damage for to the forseeable future. In contrast in red if you feel the wrong way today you will not be inspired to feel so tomorrow and the energy will whimper. “Energy denial” seemed like a new perpective that I hadn’t considered.
Other colors probably also have ways to treat errors. Green probably adapts, there are no “mistakes” only “happy little accidents”. Oxygen catastrophe is not armageddon but new conditions to build upon. Never say “no” but always “yes and” and just keep the harmony in front of your mind, keep the scene going.
Black is proably ready to backstab their friends to death should they turn on them. It’s not about what damage the mistake does but whether it proves your character whether you are safe to keep around. On the flip side having good enough goals means arbirarily bad means can be swallowed.
White probably does courts and maybe a balance of rights: even if we set a monumentally bad law it will need to resolve itself against other core principles. A bad nomination is limited by the powers of the position being limited.
More on green errors, I think they do exists. There is a difference between an invasive species and a predator. Green probably allows for predators easier than white or black that would call them murderes. But being disruptive to the harmony is an actual violation green registers.
Imagine you have a snake problem in your houses yard. You could get angry and kill every snake you see (haphazard, random and laboursome the red way to address it). You could poison your yard (but then your flowers might die or your food supply gets fouled, the black way). For wheel completeness sake, wall (white way) or scarecrow (blue way). Or you could introduce a predator species that eats snakes (the green way). Even if the effect is to diminish a component you address it by constructing more components (add species). And likely when the problem is “solved” the predator and prey are in balance and in a way the snakes existence functions as a foundation for the foodchain for the predator.
The hard thing about green as it is the anti-color of the agent color black it doesn’t engage in problem solving. Nature by itself is a defenceless victim. People who care about nature and are naturalistic are a bit different thing. In making a choice what “harmony” you are defending you are probably injecting somewhat of a agentic subjective choice.
Magic colors and errors
Reading Writers guild policy doc there was a principle of “the vase is already broken”. The whole document is a lot how you make a red organization and most of the princples are anti-white.
The principle makes sense but I found it be foregin to my culture. Things are made to be replaced. And if something is done wrong today we will try to do right the next day.
In contrast the blue way is much more familiar with me. Accept only true things, set up things for perpetuity. In the contrast I noticed that the blue thing is focused on avoiding to making mistakes. You slow down enough that everything can be verified. In the red way you speed up so things can be corrected.
In blue if you make a mistake you will build a machine that will do damage for to the forseeable future. In contrast in red if you feel the wrong way today you will not be inspired to feel so tomorrow and the energy will whimper. “Energy denial” seemed like a new perpective that I hadn’t considered.
Other colors probably also have ways to treat errors. Green probably adapts, there are no “mistakes” only “happy little accidents”. Oxygen catastrophe is not armageddon but new conditions to build upon. Never say “no” but always “yes and” and just keep the harmony in front of your mind, keep the scene going.
Black is proably ready to backstab their friends to death should they turn on them. It’s not about what damage the mistake does but whether it proves your character whether you are safe to keep around. On the flip side having good enough goals means arbirarily bad means can be swallowed.
White probably does courts and maybe a balance of rights: even if we set a monumentally bad law it will need to resolve itself against other core principles. A bad nomination is limited by the powers of the position being limited.
Interesting. Do you have a link to the document that sparked this thought?
It was linked in a lesswrong norm thread. Couldn’t relocate it easily as I don’t remember which thread it was on.
More on green errors, I think they do exists. There is a difference between an invasive species and a predator. Green probably allows for predators easier than white or black that would call them murderes. But being disruptive to the harmony is an actual violation green registers.
Imagine you have a snake problem in your houses yard. You could get angry and kill every snake you see (haphazard, random and laboursome the red way to address it). You could poison your yard (but then your flowers might die or your food supply gets fouled, the black way). For wheel completeness sake, wall (white way) or scarecrow (blue way). Or you could introduce a predator species that eats snakes (the green way). Even if the effect is to diminish a component you address it by constructing more components (add species). And likely when the problem is “solved” the predator and prey are in balance and in a way the snakes existence functions as a foundation for the foodchain for the predator.
The hard thing about green as it is the anti-color of the agent color black it doesn’t engage in problem solving. Nature by itself is a defenceless victim. People who care about nature and are naturalistic are a bit different thing. In making a choice what “harmony” you are defending you are probably injecting somewhat of a agentic subjective choice.