A probability distribution over statements is itself a statement (one states that the probability distribution is X). Maybe you use the word “statement” in a fancy way but I include anything.
And the property I was talking about is truth. But another one could be used.
No, because the universe has a state/law, not a probability distribution over states. A theory/universe/statement is either true or false, a probability distribution over theories is not, though it can be scored for accuracy in various ways. A probability distribution over theories is not a statement about the actual state of the universe.
Similarly, the universal prior is in no way “true”; it’s a distribution, not a statement at all. You shouldn’t even expect it to be “true” since it’s meant to be updated. What is important about it is that it has various nice properties such as eventually learning any computable distribution.
A probability distribution over statements is itself a statement (one states that the probability distribution is X). Maybe you use the word “statement” in a fancy way but I include anything.
And the property I was talking about is truth. But another one could be used.
No, because the universe has a state/law, not a probability distribution over states. A theory/universe/statement is either true or false, a probability distribution over theories is not, though it can be scored for accuracy in various ways. A probability distribution over theories is not a statement about the actual state of the universe.
Similarly, the universal prior is in no way “true”; it’s a distribution, not a statement at all. You shouldn’t even expect it to be “true” since it’s meant to be updated. What is important about it is that it has various nice properties such as eventually learning any computable distribution.