Do you also pay far above average wages? If not, you should be careful of what trade-offs you are making. If you demand above-average performance in some areas (eg algorithms), then you’ll on average get below-average performance in other areas (for a fixed wage), at least to the extent that hiring markets are reasonably efficient.
We offer above-average benefits, including one that is very difficult to others to compete with: we write almost entirely free and open source software.
I’m only interested in hiring good programmers, rather than typical programmers.
Do you also pay far above average wages? If not, you should be careful of what trade-offs you are making. If you demand above-average performance in some areas (eg algorithms), then you’ll on average get below-average performance in other areas (for a fixed wage), at least to the extent that hiring markets are reasonably efficient.
We offer above-average benefits, including one that is very difficult to others to compete with: we write almost entirely free and open source software.