So in the general itervention ought to happen.But I still find it contradctory that “nobody intervenes” in this case. I think the intervention needs to happen in some form or its a case of passive “let the problem fester” type of situation. It is expressed in passive voice when actual situations happen when particular humans do stuff. I think in my mind there are two models with different primary moving actors which it is not clear which one is to be followed or if either is implied by the principle.
When a lot of responcibility is placed on the speaker to moderate themselfs those decisons are less accessible to the public discussion. There is a conflict. One one hand you need to express what your needs are so that others know to balance their needs against yours. But on the other hand if you appear as “needy” you will be percieved as a problem element. If people statistically signicifantly can’t say what their needs are the Maturity principle becomes relativily empty as the needs of others are not known. It’s a relevant case where the “needs of the many people in the community” are known to be inaccurate or outright fictious (and to get to there there would need to be intervening stages where they are suspected to be so etc).With fixed goals everybody will try to disguise their objective as the accepted objective but with flexible objectives there is a new kind of strife about whos private objectives are among the flex goals. And the tension between people whos objectives are just-in and just-out can get pretty intense.
So in the general itervention ought to happen.But I still find it contradctory that “nobody intervenes” in this case. I think the intervention needs to happen in some form or its a case of passive “let the problem fester” type of situation. It is expressed in passive voice when actual situations happen when particular humans do stuff. I think in my mind there are two models with different primary moving actors which it is not clear which one is to be followed or if either is implied by the principle.
When a lot of responcibility is placed on the speaker to moderate themselfs those decisons are less accessible to the public discussion. There is a conflict. One one hand you need to express what your needs are so that others know to balance their needs against yours. But on the other hand if you appear as “needy” you will be percieved as a problem element. If people statistically signicifantly can’t say what their needs are the Maturity principle becomes relativily empty as the needs of others are not known. It’s a relevant case where the “needs of the many people in the community” are known to be inaccurate or outright fictious (and to get to there there would need to be intervening stages where they are suspected to be so etc).With fixed goals everybody will try to disguise their objective as the accepted objective but with flexible objectives there is a new kind of strife about whos private objectives are among the flex goals. And the tension between people whos objectives are just-in and just-out can get pretty intense.