I assumed this was some kind of pastiche of the judgy-overarchiever trope, and I was quite entertained under that reading. But now I’ve come to the comments and everyone seems to interpret the post earnestly. I’m confused.
It was written earnestly, but if you’re entertained that’s fine too!
It worked! Also now that my interpretation has been confirmed, I can bask in the warm afterglow of rightness. What a day.
I assumed this was some kind of pastiche of the judgy-overarchiever trope, and I was quite entertained under that reading. But now I’ve come to the comments and everyone seems to interpret the post earnestly. I’m confused.
It was written earnestly, but if you’re entertained that’s fine too!
It worked! Also now that my interpretation has been confirmed, I can bask in the warm afterglow of rightness. What a day.